This Is How You Don’t Fail New Years Resolutions

Fanni Bartanics
2 min readJan 3, 2019


First of all, I wish you a very happy New Year. The time has come to write my list of what I want to achieve this year. Again, I’m not focusing on ‘how’, but ‘what’ and ‘why’. My motivation must come from a pure heart, then the desire or plan can be added to my list.

Looking back at my list for 2018, half of it came true. The other half was either already created for 2019 or it just wasn’t my time or path at all. I will do a lot of self-reflection on those that didn’t come true, because I must reevaluate if they are still important to me, or they no longer feel appropriate for my new list.

Why do I love lists? I like to keep in mind the goals because once written down and read over and over again, they get into my subconscious and somehow I get answers to the ‘how’ if I’m on the right track.

In addition, it is not bad to think about what I want to do with my year, what milestones I would like to achieve. If I don’t succeed in accomplishing something this year, I will not perceive it as a failure, as I did with the remaining items of 2018. Simply because I can see it from two angles. Half of my list is complete! I did so well last year, achieved a lot of things. I’m not bitter about the fact that something did not work, because I never expected myself to change the world in one year.

I wrote a direction and a reminder for myself. My plans are constantly changing, so my list was not static either. I added items, pulled things out, but it proved to be very useful to keep me on track. Focus on the ‘what’ and ‘why’ because the ‘how’ will come if it’s the right path. I can only recommend it in addition with the right attitude and with the right expectations. Try to experience success and have fun this year. Because experiences are either great, or they teach a lesson, but learning and becoming better, is great.

Fanni Bartanics

Business Coach & Personal Development Coach



Fanni Bartanics
Fanni Bartanics

Written by Fanni Bartanics

Business Coach & Personal Development Coach

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